Holiday in Italy – Day 2


We woke up at 0830. Eventually leaving the apartment at 11. First we visited The Panthean, an amazing buiding, this was a short walk. We carried onto the Colosseum.. stopping off at a crappy cafe along the way, not very nice. We paid €12 ffor entry which also entitles you to enter the next two attractions we wenr too. The Colosseum has some sort of stage fitted which kinda ruins it. This wasn’t there last time I was here. I purchased a statue of the Colosseum for €10 (down from 20 then for 8 near Trevino Fountain) on the was to Palentine which lead us down to the Forum.  The weather turned for 5 mins and got very windy which meant dust storms!  We walked back to the apartment stopping off at some market shops and then onto Trevi Fountain. At this time we were getting tired legs. We stopped off to get some Nespresso pods then the “Paradise” supermarket to get beer supplies and some food for our dinner and spent the night listening to Voxson Radio

About marklambourne

Ill do this later
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